Introduction to WOPF
The Wandsworth Older People’s Forum (also known as the Wandsworth Older People’s Network) was founded in 1991. It is a registered charity, No. 1096322.
The Trustee board meets as required to deal with major governance issues but day-to-day management is undertaken by a larger committee. This includes Trustees, individual members and representatives of organizations, to plan the work and monitor national and local issues relevant to older people.
We do not have any salaried staff but there is a long-standing part-time administrator who is paid on a self-employed hourly basis to administer meetings, book speakers, maintain the finances and help with correspondence and representation.
Funding for our activities comes from subscriptions, donations and an an annual grant from Wandsworth Council. This pays for three of the four issues of the newsletter. Extra funding is needed to pay for a fourth newsletter and this currently comes from reserves due to legacies. Writing, layout and editing are carried out by a volunteer but funding is still needed for printing and distribution. With funding, approximately 4,500 newsletters were distributed every quarter. Recipients include individual members, organisations, sheltered housing complexes, residential care homes, community centres, libraries, and doctors' surgeries.